Easy Potato And Seafood Chowder Pie

Easy Potato And Seafood Chowder Pie. This seafood medley is simple to make and tasty for all the family. Fish, prawns, mussels and squid topped with potato.

Easy Potato And Seafood Chowder Pie

Well, this Easy Potato And Seafood Chowder Pie takes me right back to my school days, when we were taught how to make a basic cheese potato pie in Home Economics. I remember it well, because in this particular lesson my class unleashed mayhem!

There were a couple of tearaways that the teacher just couldn’t control, who were throwing potato peel around the classroom and talking back at her.

Not that I was an angel, but Home Economics was a subject that I enjoyed and always paid attention in. Luckily, the potato pie was simple to make and tasty, or I doubt we’d have ever gotten through that lesson!

These days I rarely stick to the cheese and potato combination. I like to incorporate fish into our diets at least once a week and adding it to a potato pie is a great way to spruce up the basic version, whilst getting your weekly dose of omega 3. Spring in Northern Ireland consists of rain, sleet and cold winds; so a comforting dish such as this is a welcome sight on the table, with a side of greens and a glass of white.

I say this recipe is simple, but you may look at the ingredients and think that’s a lot of (expensive) fish and seafood to buy. Worry not, as many of the supermarkets have frozen bags of mixed seafood and packs of fish at reasonable prices, which would work wonderfully well in this. Failing that, you can make do with just a couple of cod fillets cut into pieces, I have done that many times before and also added peas/sweetcorn to the pie.

Easy Potato And Seafood Chowder Pie

Sarah Montgomery
Easy Potato And Seafood Chowder Pie. This seafood medley is simple to make and tasty for all the family. Fish, prawns, mussels and squid topped with potato.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour
Total Time 1 hour 10 minutes
Servings 4


  • 130g skinless and boneless cod pieces
  • 130g skinless and boneless smoked cod pieces
  • 130g skinless and boneless salmon pieces
  • 100g mushrooms, sliced
  • 60g cooked king prawns
  • 40g cooked squid rings
  • 110g shelled cooked mussels
  • 200ml whole milk
  • 60g butter
  • 40g plain flour
  • 125ml double cream
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 900g potatoes, peeled and quartered
  • a splash of milk (for the mash)
  • a knob of butter
  • handful of spring onions (optional)
  • 50g grated cheddar cheese (optional)


  • Preheat the oven 180c/160c(fan)
  • Place all the fish pieces into a saucepan and cover with milk, bring to the boil and then simmer for 15 minutes. Transfer the fish to an oven proof dish and reserve the liquid for the sauce.
  • Heat 15g of the butter in a frying pan and sauté the mushrooms. Spoon over the fish, along with the cooked mussels, prawns and squid rings.
  • Add 45g of the butter to a saucepan, heat and stir in the flour. Cook for a couple of minutes, then take off the heat and add the reserved liquid gradually and keep stirring continuously.
  • Return to the heat and bring to a boil then add the cream, keep stirring for a smooth sauce. Season with salt and pepper. Pour over the seafood and mushrooms in the dish.
  • To make the mashed potato, add the potatoes in a saucepan of boiling salted water and boil for 15 – 20 minutes. Drain the potatoes from the water and then add a splash of milk and a knob of butter. Mash with a potato masher until smooth.
  • Pile the mashed potato over the seafood and sauce and bake in the oven for 15 – 20 minutes or until golden brown.


  1. Optional: add a handful of spring onions to the potato just before mashing for champ instead.
  2. Optional: if you want to add a little grated cheese do so just before you put the pie in the oven to bake.
  3. 200ml covered enough for me but check you have enough milk incase you need more.

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