Grilled Mexican Street Corn

To me, summer is synonymous with grilled corn — and a very particular grilled corn at that. It reminds me of relaxing days by the pool and cook outs with great friends and family. Grilled corn means that summer has arrived.

Honestly, in my family, we are planning the next meal while we are eating the current one. It is crazy and indulgent for sure, but what can I say, we LOVE food! Summer time (or really anytime) get-togethers are all about the menu, and in the summer that menu usually includes grilled corn. My grilled corn is crazy easy and is full of flavor with a hint of spice.

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It starts with in-season sweet yellow or white corn. I mix together a two ingredient sauce of mayonnaise and chipotle powder, yep that is it. Lots of recipes add cheese too, but I leave it as is. I love when the corn starts to cook and you can hear it popping on the grill like popcorn. Once the corn is nicely grilled the edges start to brown and slightly char, then you remove the corn from the grill and brush on a generous amount of the sauce onto each ear while it is still hot. The heat of the corn melts the mayo into the kernels and it smells great!

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That’s really it. I know, no fuss, but truly tasty. Sometimes the simplest recipes are the most popular. Corn is a great high-fiber side dish to add to your menu. It is a starchy carbohydrate source, so it is a good option to include with your balanced cookout plate of protein, fruits, and vegetables. I hope everyone enjoys their Memorial weekend! What is your favorite cookout side dish?

Grilled Mexican Sweet Corn

A spicy side dish, that is very easy to prepare and will be a hit at your next summer cookout!
Servings 6


  • 6-8 ears of corn
  • 1 tablespoon canola oil
  • ½ cup mayonnaise
  • 1 teaspoon ground chipotle powder
  • Optional toppings: lime juice, cilantro, cotija cheese


  • Shuck corn and set aside.
  • Heat grill to 350-400F degrees over medium-high heat.
  • Lightly bush corn with oil and place on grill, let cook for about 25-30 minutes turning every so often to brown each side evenly.
  • While corn is cooking, make the sauce.
  • In a small bowl whisk together the mayo and chipotle powder and set aside.
  • Remove cooked corn from grill and brush sauce onto hot corn, turning to get all the sides.
  • Optional: squeeze fresh lime juice or sprinkle Mexican cheese and cilantro on and server.

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