Yogurt Parfait Popsicles

It is June in Arizona and it is just HOT! We find ourselves still loving to be outside, but needing something cool to eat/drink. I have been making homemade Popsicles lately. First up were lemonade Popsicles, and then I had a craving for something cool and creamy—yogurt pops!

My daughter loves to be outside and loves to be around the water. We recently bought her a really cool water-table to use on days when we don’t have time to go to the pool and it is too hot to just play in the backyard. On days we use the water-table she usually gets the added treat of a Popsicle to keep cool. Plus, we are already outside so clean up just involves me hosing everything down, because it is usually quite messy.

These pops are easy. I found these Dixie cup style mini cups at our local Walmart, but any 3oz cup will do. I found the sticks at a craft store. We have legit Popsicle molds too, but I have found they are a little large for her tiny hands, so these are perfect!

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After mixing your fruit of choice with a bit of sugar, we make the yogurt mixture. I use Greek yogurt mostly because it is just what we have, but you can use regular as well. Because I use Greek yogurt I have to thin it out a tad with whole milk so that it is easier to pour. For me, it took 4 tablespoons of whole milk into about 2 cups of Greek yogurt to make it thin enough. I wanted to try and make less of a mess, so I transferred the yogurt into a freezer bag to make pouring it into the cups easy and so I could alternate with the berries and have a more precise mix, but this isn’t a must, just a suggestion.

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Just in case we want to have these pops for breakfast, I added a little bit of granola so they are a parfait-like treat. I think my daughter would look at me funny if I gave her one for breakfast, like “mom, you are awesome”…maybe next week.

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The pops are now ready for the sticks. Adding a little tin foil over the top makes it so the sticks stay in place. I make a tiny cut into the foil after I put it over the cups so the sticks slide in easier. Now we are ready to freeze. These are so easy to make, I threw them together before bedtime so that they would be ready to go the next day, and boy were they popular. I might have had one while she took a nap too.

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Please enjoy these cool treats with your family. They are also the perfect color scheme for our upcoming national holiday! 4th of July is going to be a warm one here, so you know cool treats will be on our menu. Happy weekend my friends.

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Yogurt Parfait Popsicles

Healthy treat for those hot summer days!
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 6 hours
Total Time 6 hours 10 minutes
Servings 12


  • 1 pint of raspberries
  • 1 pint of blueberries
  • 1 tablespoon cane sugar (optional)
  • 1 17oz container of 2% Greek yogurt (I used Fage)
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 2 tablespoons of honey + drizzle
  • 3-4 tablespoons of whole milk
  • ¼ cup granola

Supplies needed

  • 3oz plastic cups (think dixie cups)
  • Popsicle sticks
  • 1 large freezer Ziploc bag
  • Aluminum foil


  • Place raspberries and blueberries into two small separate bowls.
  • Sprinkle ½ tablespoon of sugar onto berries and mix, this is to slightly soften the berries, let sit while you construct the rest of the ingredients.
  • In a medium bowl mix yogurt with about 2 tablespoons of honey and vanilla extract.
  • Add whole milk to yogurt mixture a tablespoon at a time to thin out the yogurt. You can skip this step by using non-Greek style yogurt, it just needs to be thin enough to pour.
  • Scoop your yogurt into the freezer bag and cut a hole in the corner of the freeze bag, it is now a make-shift piping bag. This just makes it easier to pour into molds. You could also just spoon it in.
  • Now, fill your cups with yogurt, then raspberries, more yogurt, then blueberries and then one more layer of yogurt. Drizzle a small amount of honey on the top so that when you add the granola (about a teaspoon) it will stick.
  • You want the cups to be three quarters of the way full.
  • Wrap a square size amount of aluminum foil on top of all the containers and make a small cut with a paring knife in the middle of the foil.
  • Now stick your Popsicle stick into the cut foil, straighten and freeze for 6-8 hours.
  • To unmold them, run or dip into hot water for a few seconds to easily free the Popsicle.

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