Shortcut Chicken Pot Pie

Whelp…I broke down and bought a flannel shirt yesterday. I already bought a Subaru, Impreza, have taken rock climbing lessons, and purchased a pair of snow shoes, so the flannel shirt makes my integration into the Pacific Northwest complete.

And oh my goodness dear sweet readers (especially you…. you know who you are… wink wink) do Kieran and I have a fun adventure planned in the books. We’ve recently been invited on a backpacking and snowshoeing weekend getaway, to a cabin with no electricity or running water, by our good friends Eric and Phoebe. The “no electricity and running water” doesn’t bother me for a second. I’m a decent camper so I can rough it with no problems. It’s the backpacking and snowshoeing that scare the shit out of me.

I’ll ‘splain why….I’ve never been backpacking or snowshoeing. So to COMBINE the two, on our first outing, is a tad bit intimidating.

~Backpacking. Backpacking sounds like a blast, but as an amateur, I have NO idea how to properly pack. I’ve been researching backpacking like a mo’fo to make sure I’m bringing enough, yet not over packing. My main concern is bringing enough layers of clothing to stay warm and food/water without overweighing my pack. Which leads me to…

~Snowshoeing. I’ve always wanted to try snowshoeing. I know absolutely nothing about it, except I heard the sport is a tough workout. The cabin (called Tilly Jane A-Frame) is remotely located, at 5,600 feet, on the north side of Mt. Hood. So, instead of snowshoeing on a nice, straight, flat, nicely groomed, snow trail, we’ll be trudging up the side of a snow covered mountain to reach our destination. Our hike is roughly 2.5 miles, with an elevation gain of 1, 900 feet, which will take 3-4 hours to climb…. in snow shoes… with a full backpack…..losing oxygen, due to elevation, with every step we take.

Fuck me now, this is going to be intense.

Shortcut Chicken Pot Pie recipe

“It’s best you start working out, on an Elliptical, ” Our friend Eric instructed us, “Lunges are good too…”

Phoebe, Eric’s wife, chimed in, in a sweet, sing-song-y voice, “Yeah, the last time we hiked to the cabin with our friends, they told us, they shed some tears… We trekked to the cabin in a blizzard, we thought we were going to die…”

Eric launched into a cabin story explaining how one year, a friend of theirs sledded down the mountain and flew into a tree, rupturing his spleen. Phoebe interjected by saying, “You have to respect the mountain, it can kill you!”

Kieran turned to me and whispered, “This is another fine mess you’ve gotten us into honey”.

Sooooo, Kieran and I have less than a month to get into better shape for this trip. So far we’ve hit the normal gym twice, using the elliptical with tough resistance and finishing with lunges. We’ve also added a rock gym to our workout, 1-2 times a week. Fingers crossed the combination of upper and lower body workouts will whip our sorry asses into backpacking, snowshoeing shape!

In addition to working out, Kieran and I hit up REI and Next Adventure retail stores to stock up on gear. I was relieved Eric and Phoebe joined us. Since Eric and Phoebe have hiked to Tilly Jane 6 or 7 times now, they know what they’re doing. Kieran and I were grateful for their help as they guided us through what clothes and gear to purchase. During our shopping spree, I had to snag a flannel shirt. I mean, how can I live in Portland, go snowshoeing up Mt Hood, and NOT own a flannel shirt. Blasphemy!

As nervous as I am for this adventure, I can’t help but to feel giddy with excitement. Yes I feel anxious and overwhelmed hiking 1.9k feet up a snow covered mountain, but I also feel overjoyed with excitement and anticipation. Phoebe and Eric are a joy to be around as they’re both hilarious, adventurous, and kind hearted. I know Kieran and I will be miserable at times, snowshoeing up the mountain, but Phoebe and Eric will be with us, sharing in our misery, making us laugh. Aaaaaaaaand Phoebe is bringing peppermint schnapps to pair with my homemade coco mix (recipe coming soon), so once we make it up the mountain, and unpack the schnapps, everything will be right in the world.

I know I keep saying I’m scared, nervous, blah blah blah, about this trip, but I ALSO know how proud of myself I’ll be, once our trip comes to an end. This weekend getaway marks Kieran’s and my most challenging outdoorsy adventure to date. Sometimes, you just gotta say, “Fuck, it” and push yourself past your comfort level. Sure, you may curse during the strenuous legs of your journey. but think about how accomplished you’ll feel, once you’ve finished.

So get out and explore the world dear readers, the trip may be scary and painful along the way, but the experience will be worth it in the end.

Shortcut Chicken Pot Pie recipe

Transitioning into food talk…….now.

This recipe is fucking phenomenal. Oh man, it’s so damn comforting on a cold, rainy (or snowy, depending on where you live) night. I’ve been burning so many calories working out lately, I need hearty food to replenish my aching body. And nothing makes my body feel better than chowing down on a piping hot, thick and creamy, chicken pot pie.

I’ve adapted this recipe from my father actually. His recipe uses pearl onions and canned cream of chicken soup. Don’t get me wrong, those ingredients are delicious, but besides the puff pastry topping, I wanted the filling to be thick, more flavorful, and most importantly, homemade.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know I’m a huge hypocrite by wanting a homemade chicken pot pie filling, if I cheat and use a store bought puff pastry. But you know what…sometimes, you gotta cut corners and take a short cut. Hence the name, Short Cut Chicken Pot Pie.

I mean, more power to you if you want to make your own crust but let’s be real….the holiday’s are rapidly approaching…..your schedule is getting fuller…your kids probably want to watch Frozen with you, a hundred times before the next big animated movie comes out….you’ve been putting off cleaning and suddenly have a SHIT ton of vacuuming to do since you’re hosting Thankgiving this year….

Look man, ain’t no body got time for that during the holiday’s. So cheat this time, buy the puff pastry at your local supermarket, and make some easy and incredibly delicious chicken pot pie for you and whomever you cook for.

I found another way to make this recipe more convenient too…. you can totally make the chicken pot pie base (sans the butter, cream and flour) in your slow cooker, ahead of time, and finish the remaining steps when your ready. Both stovetop and slow cooker methods turn out amazing, so pick whichever method works best for your schedule. Once, while I worked on tweaking this recipe, I made the chicken base (again, sans the butter, cream, and flour) in my slow cooker before hand. That evening I just didn’t have the energy to finish the recipe and shoot photos for the blog, so I let the the chicken base completely cool then stored it in air tight tupperware in my fridge until the following night. You can probably get away with making the chicken base a day or 2 before hand.

Anyway, I hope you try this chicken pot pie, it’s creamy, packed with flavor, and can be made without all the trouble of making homemade crust.

I hope you enjoy, thanks for stopping by!!!

Shortcut Chicken Pot Pie

Chicken Pot Pie (Easy Shortcut Recipe)

Servings 4


  • 1 carrot, chopped
  • 2 ribs of celery, chopped
  • cup onion, chopped
  • 9-10 oz skinless, chicken breast (bone in, is fine) salt and peppered on both sides
  • 2 springs of fresh thyme (or ½ tablespoon dried)
  • ¼ cup white wine
  • cups chicken broth
  • 1 cup frozen peas
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • ½ cup all purpose flour
  • ½ cup fresh parsley, roughly chopped
  • 1 sheet puff pastry, thawed
  • 1 scrambled egg white, for egg wash
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Crockpot Instructions:

  • Make sure you let the puff pasty thaw for 40 minutes before you use it.
  • In your crock pot, add your carrots, celery, and onion. Salt and pepper your chicken, on both sides, then place the chicken on top of the vegetables. Now pour in the wine and chicken broth. Finally, add the fresh or dried thyme. Set your crock pot on either low (for 4-6 hours) or high (for 3-4 hours).
  • After 3 hours, check to see if your chicken is finished cooking, if it's a little pink, don't worry, you'll be finishing the cooking in the oven. Put the chicken on a plate and shred when it's cool enough to handle. Once the veggies are tender, stir in the frozen peas, and turn the crock pot off.
  • Preheat your oven to 375 degrees
  • In a large pan, melt 4 tablespoons of butter over medium-high heat. Once the butter is completely melted, add the flour, and slowly whisk until the flour and butter are incorporated. Cook the flour and butter for a couple of minutes, constantly stirring. Continue whisking as you slowly add the heavy cream into the pan. Once the cream is fully incorporated, slowly add, a ladle at a time, vegetables and broth from your slow cooker, into the flour, whisking after each addition, to prevent lumps. Keep ladling and whisking the ingredients together until everything is well combined. Turn up the heat a little bit, and cook the pot pie filling for a few minutes. Try not to bring the contents to a rapid boil, but you want to heat the mixture well enough so it starts to thicken. If you like you're pot pie filling thicker, continue cooking until you reach the thickness you desire. You can always add a splash of chicken broth to thin out the filling, if it gets too thick.
  • Once you get the filling to your liking, add back the shredded chicken, parsley, and taste for additional salt and pepper. Turn off the heat and set aside while you prepare your ramekins.
  • Place 4 ramekins on a tin foil lined cooke sheet. Spray each ramekin with a little cooking spray. Spoon the pot pie mixture, evenly into all 4 bowls.
  • Roll out your thawed puff pastry. Cut the pastry into 4 circles, big enough to cover each ramekin (see notes). Carefully cover each ramekin with the puff pastry, and pinch the pastry into the sides of the ramekins, so it stays put.
  • Using a an egg wash, brush the egg on top of each pastry, then pop the ramekins into the oven for approx 12-20 minutes, or until the pastry is a nice golden brown.
  • When the pastry is finished baking, pull the ramekins from the oven, and allow to cool for 10 minutes before digging in.

Stovetop Instructions:

  • *Make sure you let the puff pasty thaw for 40 minutes before you use it.
  • Pour the frozen peas on a plate, to allow them to thaw.
  • Heat a tablespoon of olive oil, in a pan, over medium heat. Add the chicken and cook on both sides until it reaches 165 degrees in the middle. Approx 7-10 minutes (depending on how big your chicken is). Remove the chicken and set side, on a plate. Shred it when cool enough to handle.
  • Add your carrots, onion, celery, and thyme then cook until the vegetables are tender. Approx 5-7 minutes. Remove from skillet and set aside.
  • Melt 4 tablespoons of butter, in the same pan, over medium-high heat. Once the butter is completely melted, add the flour, and slowly whisk until the flour and butter are incorporated. Cook the flour and butter for a couple of minutes, constantly stirring. Continue whisking as you slowly add the white wine into the pan. Once the wine is fully incorporated, slowly add the heavy cream and chicken broth. Add them slowly and continually whisk the mixture to avoid creating lumps. Once the mixture is fully incorporated add back the shredded chicken, vegetables, and parsley. Turn up the heat a little, and cook until the mixture thickens to your liking. Taste for salt and pepper, turn off the heat and set aside so you can prep your ramekins.
  • Place 4 ramekins on a tin foil lined cooke sheet. Spray each ramekin with a little cooking spray. Spoon the pot pie mixture, evenly into all 4 bowls.
  • Roll out your thawed puff pastry. Cut the pastry into 4 circles, big enough to cover each ramekin (see notes). Carefully cover each ramekin with the puff pastry, and pinch the pastry into the sides of the ramekins, so it stays put.
  • Using a an egg wash, brush the egg on top of each pastry, then pop the ramekins into the oven for approx 12-20 minutes, or until the pastry is a nice golden brown.
  • When the pastry is finished baking, pull the ramekins from the oven, and allow to cool for 10 minutes before digging in.


Important, pull 1 sheet of puff pastry out of the freezer, and allow to thaw for at least 40 minutes, prior to use.
My ramekins have a lid, so I placed the lid on one corner of the pastry, then using a knife, cut the pastry around the lid, so I have the perfect sized pastry circles to cover my ramekin.
The flour to liquid ratio in this recipe makes a thick, creamy filling. If the chicken pot pie mixture is too thick for your liking, either use less flour in the beginning of the recipe, or thin the mixture out with additional chicken broth, before you spoon the mixture into the ramekins.

Calorie Breakdown

1 carrot, chopped……..30
2 ribs of celery, chopped…..11
2/3 cup onion, chopped,,,,,43
9 -10 oz skinless, chicken breast (bone in, is fine) salt and peppered on both sides…..532
2 springs of fresh thyme (or 1/2 tablespoon dried)…..0
1/4 cup white wine…..48
1 1/2 cups low fat chicken broth……22.5
1 cup peas….103
4 tablespoons butter…… 407
1/3 cup all purpose flour…..150
1/2 cup heavy cream…..414
1 sheet puff pastry……960
Egg white….17

Total Calories if you eat all 4 portions….. 2,737.50
Calories if you eat 2 portions….1,368.75
Calories if you eat 1 portion….. 684.37

*Note I am not an nutritionist, nor am I pretending to be. I found the calories by researching Google, the nutrition labels of the food I buy, and by using my Loss It! app.

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