Cheesy Pasta Bake With Sweet Potato

A few days ago I found myself home alone, cold and bored. My distractions (Facebook, Twitter – baby talking to 4 needy dogs) were only interrupted by hunger and a lack of warmth. I made the short walk from our living room, almost tripping over the dogs along the way, to see what there was to eat in the kitchen. Not much, was the answer. Bag of pasta, some sweet potatoes, a very lonesome looking bar of chocolate soon to be devoured… and CHEESE. Ha! Forget the chocolate for now, cheese is my saviour! Cheese is sunshine on cold days. Cheese is the Confringo spell to eradicate boredom. Hello, cheese! I welcome you into my hands, I’m pleased to grate you over food and watch you melt and go all gooey. I’m more than happy to go for seconds and wipe the plate clean. Yes, I love cheese.

Then there’s pasta, my other love and together with cheese, ah! It’s meant to be. I have a long history with cheese and pasta. After all, my Dad is the Pasta Master. I once asked him to share his spaghetti bolognese recipe but he was very coy about giving away his secrets. Another one of his signature dishes are his pasta bakes. I have fond memories of coming home from school and seeing my Dad in the kitchen getting ready to serve up a creamy tomato and mushroom pasta bake. These were the rare days when he clocked off work early and it felt almost like a celebration. Now that he’s living the life of Riley (blissful retirement) he makes them a lot more often.

Back to this cheesy sweet potato pasta bake. I’m thinking it could be a Valentine’s Day meal, there’s just so much lovin’ going on in this plate. Sharp mature cheddar intertwines wonderfully with the sweet potato, carrots and pasta. It’s a straightforward recipe and easily adaptable. The more cheese you add, the better! You could also add some bacon if you are feeling a little carnivorous.

Cheesy Pasta Bake With Sweet Potato

Sarah Montgomery
A delicious and cheesy pasta bake with sweet potato.


  • 2

    large sweet potatoes
, peeled and chopped into quarters

  • 400g pasta
  • 2 large carrots, chopped
  • 3-4 tbsp reserved cooking water (see method)
  • 100g cheddar cheese
  • 50g parmesan


  • Boil the sweet potato in a saucepan until they start to soften (20 minutes) Once they start to soften add the carrots.
  • Before the vegetables have fully cooked, cook the pasta following packet instructions.
  • Drain most of the water from the sweet potatoes and carrots and reserve the rest (3-4 tbsp). Using some of the water, mash it and season with salt and pepper. Grate in as much cheese as you desire and mix it all together.
  • When the pasta is done, drain the water and add to the sweet potato. Give it all a good mix and lay out in a pasta dish.
  • Grate on the parmesan.
  • Bake in the oven at 180c (fan) for 15 – 20 minutes until crispy.


Add as much cheese as you want.

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