Homemade Almond Butter: The Perfect Pre-Workout Snack!

Homemade almond butter is the perfect pre-workout snack. So easy to make in a high powered blender, you’ll never need to buy shop versions again.

Homemade Almond Butter

I’ve been hitting the gym now since January and I’m surprised at how much I’ve been enjoying it. One of the classes I attend is a high intensity 45 minute spin class, which requires a lot of energy. I don’t like to eat anything heavy before a workout and so a light snack with protein provides the fuel I need for the gym.

Almond butter is one of my favourite nut butters and also provides the much-needed protein boost my gym trips demand. I used to buy the shop variety, but now much prefer making my own in my Froothie Optimum G2.1 blender. I can choose to make my almond butter with raw or toasted almonds, then add the likes of cinnamon, nutmeg, dates, vanilla beans, dark chocolate or espresso…the list is endless.

My love for homemade almond butter is such that I can eat it by itself, just give me a spoon and I won’t be able to stop! If you are a fan of almond butter then you’ll know how addictive it is! You may also know there are lots of different snacks you can add almond butter to. Banana sliced up and topped with almond butter is a favourite of mine, as well as adding it into smoothies. What about you folks?

Homemade Almond Butter

Sarah Montgomery
Homemade almond butter is the perfect pre-workout snack. So easy to make in a high powered blender, you'll never need to buy shop versions again.
Servings 1 jar


  • 300g almonds
  • a large pinch of sea salt


  • Preheat your oven at 180c
  • Place the almonds on a shallow tray and toast for 10 minutes.
  • Once toasted, remove from the oven and let them cool before placing them into your blender. Blend for 30 seconds on speed setting 6 and use the tamper tool to help it along. Scrape down the sides, add your salt and then continue to blend for another 30 seconds.


If you don’t own a G2.1 ( I highly recommend you invest in one) you can make this in any high powered blender or food processor, though it might take a little longer. Just keep blending until you acquire the right consistency and add a tbsp of oil (such as coconut oil) to help it come together.

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