This. OMG, this belongs in your mouth. Do you like Malibu Rum? Do you also like hot chocolate? Why enjoy them separately when you can combine them for a sweet, hot, delicious, booze-filled, chocolatey treat?
If you live in the midwest like myself, you’re well aware how brutal the winters can be. I live in Chicago and it’s currently a cold, winter night, topping out at 32 degrees. Of course if you live in Chicago, you know full well 32 degrees seems like a freaking heat wave. Shit, after experiencing not one….but two polar vortexes in a row, at 32 degrees you’ll witness some Chicagoans walking around in shorts and hosting backyard BBQ’s.
Anyway, every now and again, on a cold winter night, I have a hankering for a warm, chocolatey beverage. If you’re anything like me, you enjoy said chocolatey beverage with a little extra kick.
Malibu Rum and hot chocolate go surprising well together. I stumbled on this combo back in college, when the only mixer I could find for my rum was a packet of hot chocolate mix. Desperate times called for desperate measures….I wanted to get my buzz on and felt drinking Malibu and hot chocolate was more dignified than drinking Malibu Rum straight from the bottle all night long……..of course….I only HAD one packet of coco mix so I DID end up drinking the rest of the Malibu Rum from the bottle all night long…..cough.
So yeah, if you want a sweet, warm beverage to sip on, Malibu Rum and hot chocolate really works! If Malibu Rum is your jam, I recommend you give this a taste!

Malibu Hot Chocolate
- Malibu Rum
- Hot Chocolate packet (or you can make your favorite homemade coco mix too)
- Water or milk
- Whipped cream (option)
- Chocolate sprinkles (option)
- Grab a coffee cup
- Pour in a shot…..or two…..maybe three of Malibu rum.
- Add your favorite hot coco mix and stir until the ingredients are well combined.
- Now add warm water or milk and fill the rest of the cup.
- Top with your favorite topping like whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles.
- Enjoy that hot tasty beverage.